Committees carry out SKEA’s goals & objectives.
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📝Committee Report Form
Prepares preposed budgets and conducts annual review of investments and reserve funds. (Meets as needed)
Reviews and recommends updates to SKEA’s governing documents. (Meets monthly)
Manages all SKEA media, including the website, social media, audio/video needs, and other technology. (Meets as needed)
Develops materials to further members’ understanding of the contract. Reviews grievances and recommends arbitrations to the Board of directors. (Meets as needed)
Works to promote the interests of our BIPOC members. As well as increase participation in association activities and establish, and cultivate, relationships with our community partners. (Meets monthly)
Revise and present election rules. Conduct regular and special elections, with the exception of building representatives. Oversees elections and verifies election results. (Meets approximately 4 times a year)
This is a closed committee comprised of SKEA president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. (Meets monthly)
The committee will facilitate applications, advertisement, rubrics, and scoring of grant/award opportunities for members. (Meets as needed)
Reviews and recommends activities and strategies to address social justice and equity issues. (Meets monthly)
Facilitates trainings to promote growth of professional and union knowledge for members. (Meets monthly)
Responsible for informing, engaging, and organizing members in regards to legislation that promotes equitable, quality education. (Meets as needed)
Responsible for analyzing and reviewing current SKEA membership data, and facilitating recruitment strategies. (Meets monthly)
Tasked with building relationships with community partners, other labor groups, and parents. Coordinates with the bargaining team to communicate and connect members to the bargaining process. (Meets monthly)
Facilitate events such as the Annual Retirement Celebration and monthly SKEA Socials. Also oversees wellness and building rep grants. (Meets as needed)
Responsible for interviewing political candidates for potential endorsements to receive OEA PAC dollars (voluntary contributions from members, above and beyond dues dollars) (Meets as needed)
SKEA Standing Committees
Charged with creating the school-year calendar each year.
This is a new committee created to explore how best to support early career educators in the absence of mentors.
Reviews existing evaluation tools and structures and works collaboratively to improve evaluation systems.
This committee looks at district-wide systems or issues that impact the district as a whole. Collaborates with ASK-ESP, Salem Area School Administrators (SASA), and District cabinet members.
Works with the District to understand the road map and goals of current PD and to provide input for plans to differentiate PD offerings.
Will develop a model to assess current report card practices and provide input to the methods and systems for both elementary and secondary report cards.
Reviews and scores sabbatical applications. Makes the recommendation for approval.
Collaborates with our Safety and Risk department on procedures and systems designed to keep our schools safe.
Review requests for sick leave bank hours.
Works on reviewing existing discipline matrix/behavior management systems and provides input for best practices.
Designed to link our technology department with those using technology in the classroom. Ideally all decisions regarding new technology would flow through this committee before purchasing and/or policy decisions are made.