⏹️ Get work site members to complete bargaining survey
⏹️ Schedule monthly meeting w/your work site admin
⏹️ Invite every potential member to join SKEA (and tell Membership how it went)
The stronger our numbers,
the stronger our voice.
Building Reps are a key role in SKEA to keep our collective power & voice strong with good communication between leadership & members. We need worksites to elect building reps for the 2024-2025 school year as soon as possible so union information can be communicated as effectively as possible. Volunteer today! You’ll be in the loop first, & can help lead your site. SKEA NEEDS YOU!
Every single SKEA member matters. Being able to show our collective strength at the bargaining table with 90+% membership is so powerful. We have so much on the line and so much to gain. PLEASE speak to any potential members in your building ASAP and fill out the Membership Ask form so leadership knows where to focus our efforts & where to respect someone’s choice not to join.
SKEA Leadership truly appreciates all you do & SKEA wouldn’t be as powerful without you. If you have questions or need support with building rep elections or membership asks, please contact the SKEA Membership Committee.